Friday, April 15, 2011

Anvil Movie Reaction

Anvil Movie Reaction

After reviewing the movie “Anvil The Story Anvil” I was personally overtaken by an array of conflicting views and opinions. One side of sub conscious was grossly disgusted by the illusions of grandeur that these individuals had to consistently live under. While I thought on the other hand, these guys are really on to something. Everyday a new band, relationship and or partnership is formed and everyday another one breaks up. For Lips and Freddy Gibs the notion that they’ve been able to co-exist this long as a unit deserves respect period. That aside the movie was flooded with both positive negative points that I feel may help anyone looking to avoid finding themselves in a similar position.

Despite the current condition of the band and the direr striates that their core members still live under, the proof of their once dominance is evident and for that they are eternally immortalized. For me the 1st thing I took from was the film was “Set The Bar High”. Numerous artist throughout the video gave continued praise to the band based on the success of their first three, most notably “Metal On Metal”. It was do to the quality of these contributions to heavy metal that the band was able help solidify an entire genre and establish a fan base.

Anther point interest for me was listening to Lips describe his view on success. In one of the closing interviews he explained his take on success as saying its about the experience “…enjoy the process”. While the collective never really reached the upper tier monetarily, I feel as though their lives in some form or fashion has thoroughly been enriched by the experience. I personally speak with associates and elders all the time, that inject conversations with massive list of regrets. They consistently tell me about the possibilities that passed on or what they would do if they were given an other opportunity. However, Anvil decided to forgo I life filled with regrets and ‘what if’s’ and continue to pursue their dreams.

One glaring issue I did observe was their lack of embracing technology. When Lips finally came to what he considered an epiphany, and decided to get in contact with CT. Despite the tremendous advancements in technology, he chose to do so by stamping and mailing a cassette tape. Understandably, it is inevitable that at a certain point many individuals become stuck in their ways. However, if these artist were truly looking to compete in what many consider a young mans game they should at the bare minimum speak the same language. While I am far removed from the tape era of my early the I do identify with the reluctance's to transition mediums. After purchasing a great deal of cd’s and pressing up a number of my own despise the notion of downgrading audio to compressed mp3 files.

The most important single piece of information I extracted from the film was the necessity of a strong wing man. Although, Lips and Gibbs were continuously arguing and fighting over the most menial issues. The strong bond they had with one another exuded far beyond the music. I feel the reason for this was attributed directly to the amount of sacrifice they were both willing to endure. Throughout the years, I have had various individuals hold my wing man position. More time then not their situation were always a little more intense then mine it not until now carrying a family of my own, while working and attending school that I can truly appreciate the efforts they were actually putting in. Now looking back I would have definitely tried a lot harder to help maintain those relationships.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Theft Prevention

This week we discussed a variety of theft prevention techniques. While I have never personally been robbed of any particular piece of equipment I did identify with the message of the lecture. Most equipment I currently own outside of software is highly out dated however, does hold a great deal of sentimental value to me. I do plan on acquiring my own facility upon graduation and will definitely take the following steps:

1. Get insurance

2. Think like a crook

3. Don' t Display music equipment

4. Buy 2 sets of all equipment

5. Don't let strangers in

6. Avoid leaving equipment unattended

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Continued Preparation

This week we continued practicing classmates charts, and discussing ways to improve them (which caused me to alter my chart a little more). Unfortunately, we did not listen to any new songs however, in my masters class this week I was still able to get my new music fix. As the the class progresses as a whole, I have noticed that the sound produced by the mass becomes more and more cohesive, which is interesting because most of time its a different group each week.

In lab this week, our group began showing major improvements also, as oppose to our first couple weeks rehearsing when we'd struggle to get through a portion of our set. Now, we are blowing through the entire set a good 3 or 4 times before practice culminates. To aid in personal practice (for practice) I had the band play each songs instrumental so that I could practice to the music and better establish my pocket within the grove below is a brief excerpt from practice.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

In class this week we practiced performing a piece that few people had seen, and tried to efficiently learn and rehearse the score, then at the end we listened back between takes. I find that the various music courses that I've been taking the last couple semesters are all starting to making sense through this one course. Lessons on practice and organizing rehearsal (MPA 408), 2 track recordings (MPA 308), Reading Music (MPA 100 & 101), and performing (MPA 440).

We also took a look at a couple songs by Peter Gabrial... included above are my notes for this week.

Included below is a brief excerpt from rehearsal

Friday, February 25, 2011

Live Rehearsals d

In class this week we discussed two very important aspect of productive production practices.
We discussed 7 critical elements in musical evaluations (included in notes) and 5 essential rehearsal techniques (also included in notes). On the practice front we continued rehearsing our songs (included is short video of the practice).

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 3 Rehearsal

This week we continued to practice our compositions. Fortunately I recorded clips from last weeks practice as a reference for the band, because unfortunately it appears that I wrote my sibales chart completely wrong, and the tune sounded 180 degrees different from last weeks rehearsal. Despite my feelings on my personal song i do feel confident that at least 3 out of the 5 songs that we have as group are extremely prepared. (I plan to upload footage from our last rehearsal)

In lab this week I took another try at composing a chart, this time using sibales program. After spending about an hour working and getting help from a fellow student, trajedy struck as I failed to save any of my work throughout the process ended up losing all of my progress. After starting over I found multiple shortcuts that helped speed up my progress. I also ran into an issue with spacing. The charts would not allow for me to do more than two bars per row, so my chart ended up being about 11 pages long. (which is probably unrealistic to read and play at the same time.)

Looking forward to next week...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 2 Writing Charts

This week we discussed the proper way to compose charts along with various rehearsal tips. Although, I often compose music at home i rarely create chords charts.
Included are my various stages in my chart progression:

The professor gave this input in class...

after getting the professor input I improved it to...

Then after having rehearsal my group and i improved the chart to (drum section):