Friday, February 25, 2011

Live Rehearsals d

In class this week we discussed two very important aspect of productive production practices.
We discussed 7 critical elements in musical evaluations (included in notes) and 5 essential rehearsal techniques (also included in notes). On the practice front we continued rehearsing our songs (included is short video of the practice).

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 3 Rehearsal

This week we continued to practice our compositions. Fortunately I recorded clips from last weeks practice as a reference for the band, because unfortunately it appears that I wrote my sibales chart completely wrong, and the tune sounded 180 degrees different from last weeks rehearsal. Despite my feelings on my personal song i do feel confident that at least 3 out of the 5 songs that we have as group are extremely prepared. (I plan to upload footage from our last rehearsal)

In lab this week I took another try at composing a chart, this time using sibales program. After spending about an hour working and getting help from a fellow student, trajedy struck as I failed to save any of my work throughout the process ended up losing all of my progress. After starting over I found multiple shortcuts that helped speed up my progress. I also ran into an issue with spacing. The charts would not allow for me to do more than two bars per row, so my chart ended up being about 11 pages long. (which is probably unrealistic to read and play at the same time.)

Looking forward to next week...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 2 Writing Charts

This week we discussed the proper way to compose charts along with various rehearsal tips. Although, I often compose music at home i rarely create chords charts.
Included are my various stages in my chart progression:

The professor gave this input in class...

after getting the professor input I improved it to...

Then after having rehearsal my group and i improved the chart to (drum section):