Saturday, March 12, 2011

Continued Preparation

This week we continued practicing classmates charts, and discussing ways to improve them (which caused me to alter my chart a little more). Unfortunately, we did not listen to any new songs however, in my masters class this week I was still able to get my new music fix. As the the class progresses as a whole, I have noticed that the sound produced by the mass becomes more and more cohesive, which is interesting because most of time its a different group each week.

In lab this week, our group began showing major improvements also, as oppose to our first couple weeks rehearsing when we'd struggle to get through a portion of our set. Now, we are blowing through the entire set a good 3 or 4 times before practice culminates. To aid in personal practice (for practice) I had the band play each songs instrumental so that I could practice to the music and better establish my pocket within the grove below is a brief excerpt from practice.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

In class this week we practiced performing a piece that few people had seen, and tried to efficiently learn and rehearse the score, then at the end we listened back between takes. I find that the various music courses that I've been taking the last couple semesters are all starting to making sense through this one course. Lessons on practice and organizing rehearsal (MPA 408), 2 track recordings (MPA 308), Reading Music (MPA 100 & 101), and performing (MPA 440).

We also took a look at a couple songs by Peter Gabrial... included above are my notes for this week.

Included below is a brief excerpt from rehearsal