After nearly four months of building, organizing, and recording these songs, we finally reached the mixing phase. At the start of our session, we discussed a couple preliminary topics regarding our album. We each person in the group specific duties, in regards to getting ready for our cd release. It was decided upon collectively that we would use a digital release platform for promoting and selling our album. Based on this decision, we delegated one another positions that we thought each person could best fulfill. My job within the release is to set up pages on two or three social networks to help promote the awareness of the project. For this I decided that facebook, twitter, and myspace would be the most prevalent sites to attack. I will discuss more about this in a later blog. To begin mixing we chose Loving you Always, collectively this was decidedly our strongest song, and therefore would be the most exciting to mix. When we first began doing it, I was quite discouraged by the sound of the record. When we had worked on it in the pre production phase, it felt more spacious and fun loving, however when listening to it in the studio it just sounded cluttered. So after touching up on a couple EQ points within the mix, we began subtracting and eliminating portions of the music to help develop dynamics throughout the song. After this was done, the song once again took on a life that I had previously fell in love with. Next we worked on the song Eastern Blues, and because Josh had previously done a great deal of tweaking the tune at home, this song took far less time in the mixing process. Originally I thought that the extended time in the studio, (the extra two hours) would help us to do knock a couple mixes out, however I was taken back by the amount of time that each song took. Once the lab culminated, we discussed coming in over the weekend to help get ahead considering semester ends in the next two weeks. Hopefully we can find the time.
For more blogs from this week check out..
MPA 408 Lab 05/3/10 Preliminary Mixing
MPA 408 Lecture 05/5/10 In Class Mixing
MPA 408 Lecture 05/03/10 Mixing class projects
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