Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Structure Free

Structure Free is a plugin that must be placed on an aux track...

To find patches (to use within the plugin) select

***Pro Tools Creative Collections
****Structure Free

Or simply select structure free from the patch list in the left section.

Note: We Experimented with the 60 Sync

Within each patch there is six smart tools knobs at the bottom of page
they vary depending what patch is chosen (each individual patch contains its own vol. / pan / filter)

Plugin allows you to combine multiple patches to create an all new sound (must set all channels to A1)

By pressing the word patch under STRUCTURE FREE you can choose from a list of options to:

Load New Patch
Add Patch
Remove Patch
Cut Copy Paste
Copy Samples to session folder

plugin allows you to combine mono and poly synths

Under Edit 1 mode

you can inact glide mode which allows you to glide octives by pressing the lowest and highest limits. Here you can also select mono or poly and glide type legato or just on (Some patches contain there own glides in the smart knob section)

in the Transpose section you can choose from octaves or semitone to alter the sound (you can also use pitch bend up or down a range of two octaves)

Edit 2 Mode

Gives 5 options for both filter and amplitude...


Friday, October 22, 2010

Vacuum (plugin)

*Most important elements in the entire plugin are the oscillator and the envelopes


Monophonic Synth (plays 1 note @ a time)

The plugin consists of various larger functions:

VTO 1 & VTO 2
*Range alters changes in pitch among 7 semitones
*using fine adjust by smaller increments
*VTO2 turns into low frequency oscillator
*switching from wide to (32/16/8/4)or 2 varies the degrees of fullness
*4 different wave types to choose from
-Tri = Triangle
-Noise = Random Whit Noise
-Saw = Saw Tooth Wave
-PWO = Pulse Wave


VTO knobs 1 & 2 control the amount of each that is sent
Ringmod - hetero-dimes signal one as a sum and the other as the difference

VT HPF (Vacuum Tube High Pass Filter)
*cuts the low end in material off and only allows frequency at or above the the desired limit cut off*

VT LPF (Vacuum Tube Low Pass Filter)

*cuts the high end in material off and only allows frequency at or below the the desired limit cut off*

Out of tune back up vocals sound better then in tune ones.

Envelope 1
Changes shape over time

& Envelope 2
changes amp.

to be continued...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boom (plugin)

In class we discussed in depth the methods and various ways to manipulate and use the boom plugin:

Each drum comes comes with 10 elements kick / snare / rim / clap / cl hh / open hh/ high tom / low tom / ride crash.

*Each one these comes adjustable vol / pan / pitch

There is two ways to manipulate any given pattern first by clicking on the matrix display below BOOM and secondly by click on the instrument name of your choice and using the pads below to build pattern (all come with three levels of velocity). This can also be done by manually switching pattern select to pattern edit.

Using the copy button bellow BOOM allows you to copy your current to a another pad.


clicking the 3 on the bottom switches beat to swing mode.
Plugin sends patterns to midi keyboard not pitches!!!

Hidden Feature

clicking on the third line beside the word BOOM (until the word boom pops up in the Matrix) allows you to create your kit with various elements from other kits.

Review Movie Projects

Before delving into this weeks lectures we first to a look at the current... progress of our trailers. After watching mine as a class I received these suggestions:

* Change Guitars - find a tone that works with material and switch progression.

** Switch Hits - coordinate the hits to match the action use one for the race scene and use another for other elements.

*** Audition Re-verbs - use reverb to make over dubs sound more realistic and use busing method to apply.

**** Fade Out - use function to gradually kill drums.


Raising music a semitone gives entire composition a different feel its recommended near the half way point to give renewed interest.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Expand 2 Plugin

Today we focused extensively on the Expand 2 Plugin. We covered various ways it can be used and manipulated.

Key Points:

Expand uses four slots (each slot can hold 1 of 500 synthesizers).


Holding command and shifting mouse allows you to move knobs in smaller increments.
Option click returns fader to default
Control click on any knob and select "learn midi cc" allows you to use midi controller (to disconnect select "forget midi cc"). This can be done to any mix, midi, or pageater, modulation, or effects setting.

Smart knobs on the top of the plug in allow you to toggle between manipulating individual synths or the entire plug in as one. In each slot you can alter level pan effects 1 or 2.


Pan pot = panoramic potentiometer
(was invented by Walt Disney)
tr/fine = transpose fine
hi/ low key allows you to assign each slot to part of the midi controller (the quick key is control click and pressing your desired key on the keyboard)
Using mod allows you to change undertones within a slot
Using arp allows you to arpegiate to a desired tempo


Using the latch mode within the plug in repeats any desired instrument

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Markers and Automation

Today we discussed various ways to add, delete and manipulate markers. First we brought up the marker ruler:

* Select markers in ruler option window and press enter to create the markers.
(Note: Apple 5 brings Marker Memory Location Widow - in here there is a bevy of options to
help manage your markers / .#. Recalls memory location).

~ To edit markers double in edit window or in memory location window. Dragging marker up

Next we touched on the many possible ways to use automation:

* In the edit window choose track view selector (by default its set to waveform). Once you select the option you'd like to alter (vol., pan ect.) a line appears and you can use the pencil tool to draw freehand or varies shapes (the size of the shapes a determined by the grid value in the upper right window.

Automating Plugins

* To automate any point on a plugin use Ctrl/Apple/Opt. and Click on the knob you'd like to automate and select enable. You can use the auto button in the top of plugin and add your choice of options.

Next Class Session We Talk About The Expand 2 Plugin