Today we focused extensively on the Expand 2 Plugin. We covered various ways it can be used and manipulated.
Key Points:
Expand uses four slots (each slot can hold 1 of 500 synthesizers).
Holding command and shifting mouse allows you to move knobs in smaller increments.
Option click returns fader to default
Control click on any knob and select "learn midi cc" allows you to use midi controller (to disconnect select "forget midi cc"). This can be done to any mix, midi, or pageater, modulation, or effects setting.
Smart knobs on the top of the plug in allow you to toggle between manipulating individual synths or the entire plug in as one. In each slot you can alter level pan effects 1 or 2.
Pan pot = panoramic potentiometer
(was invented by Walt Disney)
tr/fine = transpose fine
hi/ low key allows you to assign each slot to part of the midi controller (the quick key is control click and pressing your desired key on the keyboard)
Using mod allows you to change undertones within a slot
Using arp allows you to arpegiate to a desired tempo
Using the latch mode within the plug in repeats any desired instrument
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