Wednesday, February 17, 2010

MPA 408 Lecture 02/17/10

Today was focused largely on checking the status of each groups current progress, (in regards to their prospective albums). Key points of interest included the topics of tracking, plug-ins, modulation, and pitch shift of instruments. I found the lecture particularly easing in comparison to our regular pace. Examples were taken from our current projects and manipulated in various ways, to give us ideas in which other applications may be applied. Also, the concept of backing up our work was reiterated, and proved to be an essential part of the recording process.

The first thing that sparked my interest today was the idea of tracking all drums in one session. In my personal recording setup, I set a template and record all things into the template and use the save as feature to differentiate project from project. However I now understand how recording all of one intrumentation (drums) at once in the same session folder could be more productive, ( and keep the work flow more proficient) than creating a new session for each recording.

Next we experimented with modulation of the snare using the even tide plug-in, on one of group c's compositions. We also took a look at the SPXs' ability to do voice alteration. Lastly we touched on the idea of the golden mean, and how retracing the path of previously laid paths could help to lay form that others are already familiar with, thus making our compositions feel more familiar. I look forward to our next lab session.

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