Projected Production Schedule
Group D
Lab 1 - 2 Jan 25th – Jan 29th
We plan to rehearse rearrange and organize the songs that we each individually came up with over the break, finding ways to incorporate the elements readily available by our group members. Aside from the key components that the group provides we will also plan out projected production schedule (within a realistic margin of era). This will include delegated time set aside to employ the talents of fellow musicians available for collaborations.
Lab 3 - 7 Feb 1st – Feb 15th
In following handful of session plan to cover all the drum sections needed for the entire project. If adequately prepared, we should easily be able to do able to do 2-3 songs per session. Leaving an extra lab at the end of this cycle to critically listen for flaws and make any necessary adjustments.
Lab 8 - 12 Feb 19th – Mar 5th
The Next block in our schedule is dedicated to covering bass, guitars and possibly any necessary keyboard arrangements. Once again the aim of the group would be to lay down a bare minimum of 2 tracks per session leaving an extra lab to make any adjustments.
Lab 13 - 14 Mar 8th – 12th
These two lab days we would bring in any experimental or unaccounted for instruments that the music called for (aux percussion , random sound effects, brass ect..)
Lab 15 - 20 Mar 15th – Apr 2
Our last recording block would be solely for vocals. Our aim here would be slightly less aggressive, at pace of about 1 and a half to two songs per session. This time would also include any add features.
Lab 21 – 25 Apr 12th - 23rd
The remaining labs would be mixing and arranging the album.
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