Friday, April 2, 2010

MPA 408 Lab 04/02/10 Tracking Vocals

Today we continued on our path of recording vocals. To do so, we used the wounder cm7 patched through the neeves, then into Protools. Inside the midi lab we used a makeshift booth, that had already been setup. For the most part the studio session preceded extremely smooth, however at one or two points we ran into slight setbacks. The first affliction that we encountered regarded editing. For some reason the system would not let us execute fades or clips, so to override the issue we copied the session to the desktop, then re-opened the files and continued our work. The next issue that arose involved receiving feedback in the microphone. Because the cm7 was extremely sensitive we had to mute out the kick drum to avoid feedback bleeding through.

In regards to our work ethic as a group I feel that we are still proving to be extremely productive. Therefore allowing for me to take a more active role without compromising the position of the project. Techniques that we experimented with today included signal generating and loop recording. One important tidbit I picked up was about the dangers of using this method, after allowing Shannon to loop record a number of parts in the composition (that we were recording today) fatigue began to set in. Had we stopped when we had elicited a great take this may not have happened.

For more blogs from this week check out:
MPA 408 Lecture 03/28/10 Presentations
MPA 408 Lab 03/28/10 Tracking Vocals

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