Monday, March 29, 2010

MPA 408 Lab 03/28/10 Tracking Vocals

When we arrived at the studio today the previous group had already constructed a make shift booth, there fore eliminating the need to build our own new one. To track vocals we used the Wunder CM7 in the midi lab, patched directly through the board to Protools. Considering the fact that we've been working on these songs for months now I felt the recording process went extreamly smooth. We began with Shauns toon "lets take a trip" which we had to alter slightly, because of a misunderstanding in format. When I wrote my portion of the composition it read as sort of a letter, however once it was converted to the new version of the song it felt incomplete. To mediate the situation i restructured the form and in the end the song benefited a great deal. Next we moved on to "Fuck U Lata" unfortunately we didn't finish the entire song, however if we continue at this pace i feel we can complete vocals in about a week or two.

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