Monday, March 15, 2010

MPA 408 Lecture 03/15/10 Comping w/ Playlist

Today was focused on learning about how to use Loop Recording in Protools. Basically, it was said that protools allows you to view, edit and audition a track play list within its new PLAYLIST VIEW channel. (A playlist stores the original or placement of multiple regions in time). To set up this process we followed these steps:

Step 1 Check Preferences

* Link Record and Play fader
* Latch " "
* Automatically create new playlist when loop recording

Step 2 Loop Section

After creating a new track (opt. L) to select loop section

Note: Quick Keys

Shift M - Mute Channel
Shift R - Record
Shift S - Solo

Step 3 Record

numeric keypad (on right side) #5 Loop Record
numeric keypad (on right side) #4 Loop Play

After successfully recording you takes, drag the top take down to a playlist channel (and use the open channel to create the new perfect track (of clips)

Step 4 Audition

Where it says waveform on the left hand menu switch it to playlist. Then, solo the take of your choice.

Step 5 Build New Track

Highlight the best portion of each take (to toggle up and down between takes press ctr. p or ctr. ;) and press the up arrow to build new track from clips.

Step 6 Consolidate New Track

After gathering all necessary clips consolidate audio (from the drop down menu up top select track and scroll down to consolidate audio. Then Name take something memorable...

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