Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finishing our movie trailers

This week we were instructed to put all final touches on our movie trailer projects. For me personally, a bulk of the work was in balancing levels between vocal over dubs and applying the proper type of reverbs to fit the particular scenes. After burning the project and listening to it in multiple systems, I feel that Ive gotten them to a pretty consistent level. As customary I waited to the end to incorporate any type of automation. I notice that since incorporating panning and automating volume in certain sections it has helped to fill out the piece and give a more realistic feel. While I feel that the project is pretty much completed I am still searching for spots to incorporate Reason (rewire) and structure free plug ins. I would also like to incorporate a little more ambient noises to help add dimension to the piece. As insisted by the instructor I experimented at various points using pitch shift to give the illusion of various types of motorcycles. After previewing other projects from the class I feel that my project is right where it should be.

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