Friday, January 28, 2011

A Lesson In Performing (Week 1)

This week we began class by forming new groups for which we will compose, record and perform songs with. In my group, we happen to be placed pretty evenly with one drummer/pianist, 2 guitarist/vocalist, a bass player and an emcee. After class we arranged for our first rehearsal which became an event in itself, trying synchronize five individuals schedule although we eventual came up with a mutually acceptable time.

In our rehearsal we organized two arrangements both which seem to have great potential. Hopefully, after a couple more sessions we can iron the kinks and turn them into masterpieces. I've learned through rehearsals here and with other live band practices it is an entirely different monster then writing songs in the hip hop arena. To help facilitate the process I had each performer give me a 2 track version of the songs (ideas) so that I could be a little more involved in the process at the next meeting.

For my personal composition I've got a song that I have been tossing around for a little while but never really felt that i had the chops to perform it. However, after hearing on of the other members of the group belt it out I feel that it has the potential be great. Although, I've got the format the song ready my chart has yet to be realized hopefully I can bring to realization before class...

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