Saturday, September 18, 2010

Midi Drums & Piano

This week we discussed using midi drums and pianos. I found the process very understandable and user friendly. We also had our first group assignments handed out and had organize time outside of class to complete the task. On a side note: I find that having the program at home allows for better understanding of many of the topics.

Getting Midi

Create New Session 24bit / 44.1k

1. Create two instrument tracks
*Select Plugins (Boom/Drums & Mini Grand/Piano
* Opt. 3 (step input)

2. Create one click track (marimba 2)
*After building track Opt. 4 allows you to further quantize if necessary

Quick keys

Opt. 3 = Quantize (step input)
Opt. 4 = Quantize (Midi/Audio)
Apple + or Apple N = New track
Opt. click fader = Unity Gain
ctrl. click on track tittle = Edit tittle options

Access Lost Audio

1. Window
* Workspace
*Digidesign Workspace
* Magnifying Glass
* Kind

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