Unfortunately, this week was cut short do to Labor Day. However, we were still able to cover an array of information in our one class session. I will highlight a few of the key points...
Accessing Audio Midi
App. / Utilities / Audio Midi / Select Audio Device {Digidesign M Box 2}
Saving Session
Create New Folder On Desktop / Save As / Select Folder / Save
Optimize Drive (for recording / mixing)
Options / Playback Engine Buffer Size/ Hardware Buffer & CPU Usage
For recording set buffer lower / For Mixing set buffer higher
Next we reviewed what each header at the top to of Pro tools did, for the most part the first 3 (File, Edit, View)were pretty similar to any processing program.
Use View to setup rulers...
Other Headers included:
Track: Controlled track specific commands
Regions: Controlled groups
Audio Suite: Special effect applied to actual audio
Setup: Control preferences
There were are an abundance of other quick tips and tricks however, these were just the most accessible and universal to my pro tools set up at home I plan to go in the midi lab Monday and further practice these techniques. In comparison to my understanding of the program last year I feel extremely more confident and prepared. I look forward to mastering this info and working on group assignments.
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