Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My 306 Blog 08/28/10 - 09/03/10

This week we discussed the basics in regards to starting (creating a new session) in Pro Tools. Before even beginning we were instructed to drag the pro tools le logo down to the menu bar so that it would be quicker and easier to access it in the future. Then we created a new blank session with the dimensions 24 / 44.1 and saving the file to the desktop (note: all info saved to the computer is deleted nightly therefor must be backed up to an external hard drive). Once in the program we created and armed a new track record audio in using sm57's and an xlr cable. After there was audio present on the track we practice with the mix knob... Fully counter clockwise showing non of the apparent audio and clockwise doing the opposite. It was established the best position for tracking was to a have it @ the halfway point.

Then we experimented with getting a midi signal in and getting sound:

1. Created a midi track and set to record
2. Using a midi controller record data in
3. Create new track
* under insert section
* select multi channel {plug-in}
* instrument
* minigrand

4. On the midi track (w/ data)
set input to ALL
set output to minigrand 1

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