Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Finishing our movie trailers
Friday, November 12, 2010
John Vanderslice
Vanderslice began his studio 14 years ago while studying Econ. however, he soon switched to studying the arts but found that the numbers didn't quit add up. To supplement his income he worked as waiter and consistently poured money into his company. While he went into great detail on various topics, one the most salient points for me was when he was describing the dilemma that his associate presented him with.
*At some point you have to choose, either your going to be an engineer or an artist its not realistic to try and do both.*
In the presentation he also touched on the importance of transparency & forming a web of connections. I personally noticed points when I allowed my personal issues hinder handling business and from this point forward plan to thoroughly exhaust connection and relationships. Another aspect i seen as amazing was that fact that he had staff of over 11 engineers which helps him to specifically cater to the artist that comes in. I plan on taking a tour of his facilities in the near feature.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Percussionist Alex Vittum
*Graduate School @ Mills
*Under Graduate @ Eddington
*Met Dr. Waters around 2001 (working Cubase)
* Works as an elementary school teach
* Builds instruments and
* Records at a studio in the East Bay
During the presentation Alex talked about his method for creating...
* Prissim (through Max 5) then highlighted the three elements that were alterable Timber - (color), Amplitude - (volume) & Frequency - (Pitch)
Note: GUI - Graphic User Interface
Then he walked through the various module within Max 5. Many of the modules resembled the functionality of the xpand plugin in pro tools. The difference in Mr. Vittums approach was that his processing was happening on the fly through a midi controller located on his drum kit.
He also spoke on how he used feed back from the speakers located directly behind him to further alter the sounds produced from the kit.
Next he displayed a processor, that was combined digital and analog. He spoke on the different methods of use and showed a couple examples using the midi keyboard. He also highlighted that fact that everything could be either digital with the exception of patching
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Structure Free

Structure Free is a plugin that must be placed on an aux track...
To find patches (to use within the plugin) select
***Pro Tools Creative Collections
****Structure Free
Or simply select structure free from the patch list in the left section.
Note: We Experimented with the 60 Sync
Within each patch there is six smart tools knobs at the bottom of page
they vary depending what patch is chosen (each individual patch contains its own vol. / pan / filter)
Plugin allows you to combine multiple patches to create an all new sound (must set all channels to A1)
By pressing the word patch under STRUCTURE FREE you can choose from a list of options to:
Load New Patch
Add Patch
Remove Patch
Cut Copy Paste
Copy Samples to session folder
plugin allows you to combine mono and poly synths
Under Edit 1 mode
you can inact glide mode which allows you to glide octives by pressing the lowest and highest limits. Here you can also select mono or poly and glide type legato or just on (Some patches contain there own glides in the smart knob section)
in the Transpose section you can choose from octaves or semitone to alter the sound (you can also use pitch bend up or down a range of two octaves)
Edit 2 Mode
Gives 5 options for both filter and amplitude...
Friday, October 22, 2010
Vacuum (plugin)

*Most important elements in the entire plugin are the oscillator and the envelopes
Monophonic Synth (plays 1 note @ a time)
The plugin consists of various larger functions:
VTO 1 & VTO 2
*Range alters changes in pitch among 7 semitones
*using fine adjust by smaller increments
*VTO2 turns into low frequency oscillator
*switching from wide to (32/16/8/4)or 2 varies the degrees of fullness
*4 different wave types to choose from
-Tri = Triangle
-Noise = Random Whit Noise
-Saw = Saw Tooth Wave
-PWO = Pulse Wave
VTO knobs 1 & 2 control the amount of each that is sent
Ringmod - hetero-dimes signal one as a sum and the other as the difference
VT HPF (Vacuum Tube High Pass Filter)
*cuts the low end in material off and only allows frequency at or above the the desired limit cut off*
VT LPF (Vacuum Tube Low Pass Filter)
*cuts the high end in material off and only allows frequency at or below the the desired limit cut off*
Out of tune back up vocals sound better then in tune ones.
Envelope 1
Changes shape over time
& Envelope 2
changes amp.
to be continued...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Boom (plugin)

In class we discussed in depth the methods and various ways to manipulate and use the boom plugin:
Each drum comes comes with 10 elements kick / snare / rim / clap / cl hh / open hh/ high tom / low tom / ride crash.
*Each one these comes adjustable vol / pan / pitch
There is two ways to manipulate any given pattern first by clicking on the matrix display below BOOM and secondly by click on the instrument name of your choice and using the pads below to build pattern (all come with three levels of velocity). This can also be done by manually switching pattern select to pattern edit.
Using the copy button bellow BOOM allows you to copy your current to a another pad.
clicking the 3 on the bottom switches beat to swing mode.
Plugin sends patterns to midi keyboard not pitches!!!
Hidden Feature
clicking on the third line beside the word BOOM (until the word boom pops up in the Matrix) allows you to create your kit with various elements from other kits.
Review Movie Projects
* Change Guitars - find a tone that works with material and switch progression.
** Switch Hits - coordinate the hits to match the action use one for the race scene and use another for other elements.
*** Audition Re-verbs - use reverb to make over dubs sound more realistic and use busing method to apply.
**** Fade Out - use function to gradually kill drums.
Raising music a semitone gives entire composition a different feel its recommended near the half way point to give renewed interest.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Expand 2 Plugin

Today we focused extensively on the Expand 2 Plugin. We covered various ways it can be used and manipulated.
Key Points:
Expand uses four slots (each slot can hold 1 of 500 synthesizers).
Holding command and shifting mouse allows you to move knobs in smaller increments.
Option click returns fader to default
Control click on any knob and select "learn midi cc" allows you to use midi controller (to disconnect select "forget midi cc"). This can be done to any mix, midi, or pageater, modulation, or effects setting.
Smart knobs on the top of the plug in allow you to toggle between manipulating individual synths or the entire plug in as one. In each slot you can alter level pan effects 1 or 2.
Pan pot = panoramic potentiometer
(was invented by Walt Disney)
tr/fine = transpose fine
hi/ low key allows you to assign each slot to part of the midi controller (the quick key is control click and pressing your desired key on the keyboard)
Using mod allows you to change undertones within a slot
Using arp allows you to arpegiate to a desired tempo
Using the latch mode within the plug in repeats any desired instrument
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Markers and Automation
* Select markers in ruler option window and press enter to create the markers.
(Note: Apple 5 brings Marker Memory Location Widow - in here there is a bevy of options to
help manage your markers / .#. Recalls memory location).
~ To edit markers double in edit window or in memory location window. Dragging marker up
Next we touched on the many possible ways to use automation:
* In the edit window choose track view selector (by default its set to waveform). Once you select the option you'd like to alter (vol., pan ect.) a line appears and you can use the pencil tool to draw freehand or varies shapes (the size of the shapes a determined by the grid value in the upper right window.
Automating Plugins
* To automate any point on a plugin use Ctrl/Apple/Opt. and Click on the knob you'd like to automate and select enable. You can use the auto button in the top of plugin and add your choice of options.
Next Class Session We Talk About The Expand 2 Plugin
Friday, September 24, 2010
Assessment Week (Pitch Shift)
1. Select all track you wish to group
2. Apple G (create group)
Shift + Apple + N (New Tracks)
Pitch Shift
1. Audio Suite
2. Pitch Shift
Select Pitch Shift
3. Choose dimensions to change audio
We then received a new homework assignment to help reinforce these techniques... I think it should be fun.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Midi Drums & Piano
Getting Midi
Create New Session 24bit / 44.1k
1. Create two instrument tracks
*Select Plugins (Boom/Drums & Mini Grand/Piano
* Opt. 3 (step input)
2. Create one click track (marimba 2)
*After building track Opt. 4 allows you to further quantize if necessary
Quick keys
Opt. 3 = Quantize (step input)
Opt. 4 = Quantize (Midi/Audio)
Apple + or Apple N = New track
Opt. click fader = Unity Gain
ctrl. click on track tittle = Edit tittle options
Access Lost Audio
1. Window
* Workspace
*Digidesign Workspace
* Magnifying Glass
* Kind
Friday, September 10, 2010
MPA 306 Blog 09/06/10 - 09/10/10
Accessing Audio Midi
App. / Utilities / Audio Midi / Select Audio Device {Digidesign M Box 2}
Saving Session
Create New Folder On Desktop / Save As / Select Folder / Save
Optimize Drive (for recording / mixing)
Options / Playback Engine Buffer Size/ Hardware Buffer & CPU Usage
For recording set buffer lower / For Mixing set buffer higher
Next we reviewed what each header at the top to of Pro tools did, for the most part the first 3 (File, Edit, View)were pretty similar to any processing program.
Use View to setup rulers...
Other Headers included:
Track: Controlled track specific commands
Regions: Controlled groups
Audio Suite: Special effect applied to actual audio
Setup: Control preferences
There were are an abundance of other quick tips and tricks however, these were just the most accessible and universal to my pro tools set up at home I plan to go in the midi lab Monday and further practice these techniques. In comparison to my understanding of the program last year I feel extremely more confident and prepared. I look forward to mastering this info and working on group assignments.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
My 306 Blog 08/28/10 - 09/03/10
Then we experimented with getting a midi signal in and getting sound:
1. Created a midi track and set to record
2. Using a midi controller record data in
3. Create new track
* under insert section
* select multi channel {plug-in}
* instrument
* minigrand
4. On the midi track (w/ data)
set input to ALL
set output to minigrand 1
Thursday, August 26, 2010
My Introduction
Friday, May 14, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 05/14/10 Completing our Mixes
For more blogs from this week check out:
MPA 408 Lecture 05/12/2010 Last class
MPA 408 Lab 05/10/10 Mixing out the box
MPA 408 Lecture 05/10/10 Reviewing Projects
MPA 408 Lecture 05/12/2010 Last class
Monday, May 10, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 05/10/10 Mixing out the box
MPA 408 Lecture 05/10/10 Reviewing Projects
Friday, May 7, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 05/07/10 Mixing out the box
For more blogs from this week check out..
MPA 408 Lab 05/3/10 Preliminary Mixing
MPA 408 Lecture 05/5/10 In Class Mixing
MPA 408 Lecture 05/03/10 Mixing class projects
MPA 408 Lecture 05/5/10 In Class Mixing
Monday, May 3, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 05/3/10 Preliminary Mixing
MPA 408 Lecture 05/03/10 Mixing class projects
MPA 408 Week Of 04/26/10 - 04/30/10
In the studio this week we simply applied teachings from class. Within our two lab sessions we were able to successfully organize screen shots for all of our songs except for one. Because the setup process was so simplistic, the group used the time to lament important aspects of our distribution process for the group album. This week I finally feel like we are recovering fully from the spring break.
Friday, April 23, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 04/23/10 Finishing Vocals!
For more blogs from this week, check out:
MPA 408 Lab 04/19/10 Tracking Vocals Still...
MPA 408 Lecture 04/19/10 Compressing Out The Box
MPA 408 Lecture 04/21/10 Elastic Audio
MPA 408 Lecture 04/19/10 Elastic Audio
1. Create new audio track below desired drum track
- Copy the track down
- Highlight preferred parts
- tab to transient
Apple + or - moves highlighted region right
option + or - moves highlighted region left
Apple U = strip silence
Apple C = copy
; goes down to track below
p goes up to the track above
Elastic Audio
to use elastic audio choose from the five preset settings
vair speed
x form
Note after creating event markers
option click removes markers
double click adds markers
MPA 408 Lab 04/19/10 Tracking Vocals Still...
Monday, April 19, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 04/19/10 Compressing Out The Box
1. Create 4 Aux stereo tracks
2. B1, B2, B3, B4 Out
>Patch channels to 1,2,3,4
>patch channels to room
3. In send section send buss's to each channels in
hp Drums - bus 1-2 input
hp Bass - bus 3-4 input
hp Guitar - bus 5-6 input
hp Vox - bus 7-8 input
Memory Locate
1. To Select a screen shot press Enter (on numeric keypad)
2. When dialogue screen pops up select parameters you want to save
3. To access screen shots press Period # Period
. 1 .
note: To bring up select window press Apple 5 then, to select options use the arrow in the top right corner.
Parallel Compression
1. Patch Protools out in to Line 1 inputs
2. Place all faders @ Unity Gain
3. Activate Line 1 at top of channel & Turn up pot
4. Remove mix master button in main console strip
5. Select Group 3-4 @ Top of channel
(and remove mix button also @ top of strip)
6. Pan group
8. Patch Group 5-6 insert send to disstresors & Return signal
9. Turn up dry signal (Group 3-4) then turn up compress signal (Group 5-6)
2 Stage Compression
10. Send Group 3-4 through Millinia using insert then...
11. Return to two new channels on the board
12. Patch new channels in to Group 5-6
MPA 408 Lab 04/16/10 Lab Canceled
For more from this week check these blogs:
MPA 408 Lecture 04/14/10 Automation
MPA 408 Lab 04/12/10 Tracking Vocals cont.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 04/14/10 Automation
To begin the process we click Apple 4 To bring up the Automation Window
Then we went through each button in the window... most were self explanatory. We established early in the process that in order to write automation, the channel that was being automated must be set to automate the same feature. For instance if the Automation Window Pan is lit then the channels Pan must be opened as well. Same goes for all other desired functions.
This feature is most common amongst Volume, Panning and EQ. Plus sign on left hand side of channel displays automation in their own track view.
Quick Keys:
Apple C (or c) = Copy Highlighted Region
Apple D (or d) = Duplicated Highlighted Region
Aple. + Option + Ctr. = creates new Automatable send On desired channel.
When groups are highlighted then all automation applies to the group. If You would like to automate a single channel then you must deselect the group.
To copy Automation from one section to another (pan to volume), Select edit in the top menu. Copy Special. Paste!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 04/12/10 Tracking Vocals cont.
MPA 408 Lab 04/09/10 Working On Our Day Off
For more post from this week check out:
MPA 408 Lecture 04/07/10 Presentations cont.
MPA 408 Lecture 04/06/10 Presentations (make up class)
MPA 408 Lecture 04/05/10 Presentations
MPA 408 Lab 04/05/10 Tracking Vocals cont.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 04/07/10 Presentations cont.
Beatles: started with two track recordings, encouraged leakage of their music to give it a more live sound, I particularly found it interesting that they ruled the number one billboard charts for nearly a year, until their follow up album was released. The last real group album was the white album.
San Francisco recording studios of the 1960's: Origional Coast Records, Commercial Records, Columbus Records, Golden State Records, Misc. Recordings, New San Francisco Coast, Pacific High Recordings and Wally Heider Recordings.
Trident Studios: established in 1967. It was ranked one of three best studios in England. Recorded the highest selling single, "Hey Jude". The most interesting tidbit of info that I picked up was the idea that the studio was able to completely lose a grand piano.
Lastly, we looked at Abby Roads studios, much of the information here had already been covered in previous presentations. Sean spoke in great lengths about the Beatles, and George Martin. He also stated that it was here that Flanger and ADT were established. All in all, it was a pretty info intensive class. I look forward to the prospect of placing these presentations online so that I can later revisit and take my time to absorb the info better.
MPA 408 Lecture 04/06/10 Presentations (make up class)
Monday, April 5, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 04/05/10 Presentations
MPA 408 Lab 06/05/10 Tracking Vocals cont.
Friday, April 2, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 04/02/10 Tracking Vocals
In regards to our work ethic as a group I feel that we are still proving to be extremely productive. Therefore allowing for me to take a more active role without compromising the position of the project. Techniques that we experimented with today included signal generating and loop recording. One important tidbit I picked up was about the dangers of using this method, after allowing Shannon to loop record a number of parts in the composition (that we were recording today) fatigue began to set in. Had we stopped when we had elicited a great take this may not have happened.
For more blogs from this week check out:
MPA 408 Lecture 03/28/10 Presentations
MPA 408 Lab 03/28/10 Tracking Vocals
Monday, March 29, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 03/28/10 Tracking Vocals
MPA 408 Lecture 03/28/10 Presentations
Drayton Park, England 1/3/96
As a child discovered he had perfect pitch
Later decided to join the Navy (DNE) which lead to his first gig on BBC
Met Eric Harrison & Sidney Harrison on a fluck
First job EMI (electric musical Industries)
Eventually becoming the head of Parlophone1955 at only age 29 (a subsidary lable of EMI)
One of his biggest mistakes passing on Paul Steel
George Signed his first big (Beatles) group to Parlophone
Aided them in the first major hits doing covers of already official hits
He created double tracking using a wind up piano
initiated bouncing audio, by manipulating a 4 track machine
Yesterday (first song to use other musicians on a Beatles Album
Experimental Phase
*strawberry field* Intended for Sgt Peppers although never made.
*within you without you* George Martin began experimenting with Indian and animal instrumentations
Friday, March 19, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 05/19/10 Finishing Instrumentation
For more blogs from this week check out:
MPA 408 Lecture 03/15/10 Comping w/ Playlist
MPA 408 Lab 03/15/10 Lab Canceled (Midterm)
MPA 408 Lecture 03/17/10 Parelel/Serial/2Stage Compression
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 03/17/10 Parelel/Serial/2Stage Compression
Step 1
Bus audio on all drum chanels (bus 1-2) to specific channel (Aux)
Set output for all drum channels to (bus 3-4) an output channel
Step 2
Create 2 Aux channels
One with input as (bus 1-2) output A 1-2
Another with input as (bus 3-4) output A 1-2
Step 3
Place desired compression and A/B
mix both channels together
Step 1
Set all drums to output channel bus 1-2
Step 2
Create aux channel with input (bus 1-2) output A 1-2
Step 3
Place an EQ/Gate/Compressor/Compressor
on compressor 1 place intense ratio (6:1)
on compressor 2 place relaxed ratio (3:1)
Step 1
place send on all drum channels (bus 3-4)
set output for all drum channels (bus 1-2)
Step 2
Create 2 new aux channels
set one as input bus 3-4 output bus 1-2 add compression
set other as input bus 1-2 output as A 1-2 add compression
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 03/15/10 Lab Canceled (Midterm)
Throughout the process I was asked to perform a couple more operations and somehow I continued to draw blanks. Before I could complete the whole assessment Drew highlighted the fact that it wasn't going very well, and after a brief discussion I was offered an opportunity to vindicate my abilities by retaking the test at a later date. We then covered the aspect of grading, and Dr. Waters asked what grade it was that I felt I deserved. While I admittedly dropped the ball, I couldn't bring myself to offer up any grade that would prevent me from passing. The resolution that I personally came to was to go purchase the program for myself, because although it is offered in multiple computers at school I am most efficient and comfortable working within my own confines.
Monday, March 15, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 03/15/10 Comping w/ Playlist
Step 1 Check Preferences
* Link Record and Play fader
* Latch " "
* Automatically create new playlist when loop recording
Step 2 Loop Section
After creating a new track (opt. L) to select loop section
Shift M - Mute Channel
Shift R - Record
Shift S - Solo
Step 3 Record
numeric keypad (on right side) #5 Loop Record
numeric keypad (on right side) #4 Loop Play
After successfully recording you takes, drag the top take down to a playlist channel (and use the open channel to create the new perfect track (of clips)
Step 4 Audition
Where it says waveform on the left hand menu switch it to playlist. Then, solo the take of your choice.
Step 5 Build New Track
Highlight the best portion of each take (to toggle up and down between takes press ctr. p or ctr. ;) and press the up arrow to build new track from clips.
Step 6 Consolidate New Track
After gathering all necessary clips consolidate audio (from the drop down menu up top select track and scroll down to consolidate audio. Then Name take something memorable...
Friday, March 12, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 03/12/10 Tracking Brass & Piano
For more blogs from this week check out...
MPA 408 Lecture 03/10/10 Reviewing Our Presentations
MPA 408 Lab 03/08/10 Aux. Percussion
MPA 408 Lecture 03/08/10 Preparing Our Presentations
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 03/10/10 Reviewing Our Presentations
Monday, March 8, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 03/08/10 Aux. Percussion

Throughout our session I notice a number times were we would state what we felt the song needed and he'd play exactly what was requested, then go back in and comp what he just did and come up with a whole another idea to make everything feel cohesive. One specific point that this happen at was on the song Loving You Allways. We requested a simple triangle and he ends up adding that (triangle), a shaker and this wild ass cymbal roll it was down right awesome. Aside from adding aux percussion we took this time to correct the ride on Shaun's track. For our setup we used two of the mic booth walls and a 414 in the corner. Because we were unsatisfied with the pick up we patched

MPA 408 Lecture 03/08/10 Preparing Our Presentations
1. Biography
a. Who
b. What
c. When
d. Where
e. How
2. Notable Artist
a. List of Established Artist
b. List of Unknown Artist
3. Most Significant Recordings
a. List of Most Successful Recordings
b. Why Or Why Not Certain Songs Worked @ The Time
4. Opposition (or Hurdles They Over Came)
a. Acceptance
b. Race Issues
c. Approach
d. Ethics
5. Signature Sound
a. Description of The Sound
b. Techniques in Recording
6. Personal Interviews
a. Videos of Artist (or Founders) speaking About the Company
7. Reflections
a. Place In History
b. Effect on Music On Music Today
8. Closing Remarks
a. Brief Overview
I believe the most effective way for me to display this info would be in the form of a Power Point Presentation. I Project that each section should take approximately 2 to 3 minutes. If done so efficiently this should allow at least 3-4 minutes for displaying audio and video recordings.Sunday, March 7, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 03/06/10 Finishing Guitar

In this session we continued where we had previously left off, tracking acoustic guitar. As far as our mic’n’ technique we replicated the same setup (a Royer facing body of the guitar and an E22 facing the neck) to help give our compositions continuity. One bonus I notice early in lab was that Nick had re-engineered his bass line on the song Fuck U Lata; this helped to give the instrumentation a more swingy feel allowing Shaun Day to find his pocket easier. After finishing up acoustic we went back to electric guitar to fill in some gaps that had previously gotten overlooked. Once again the set up was the same as the electric guitar arrangement that we had done just a week earlier.

Another high point that occurred in today’s lab came when we were treated to guest solo by Chad. On the song Eastern Blues (working title) Chad brought out his EBO and began belting out chords with so much sustain it felt as though the guitar was singing to you, pretty awesome… I found the fact that we weren’t as rushed by time constraints helped us to take our time and capture the take that we were looking and not just the one that fit. In reference to our production schedule we are exactly at the point that we should be. This means if all things continue to progress properly we should finish all instrumentation by next week!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 03/05/10 Lab Canceled
Check Out These Blogs:
MPA 408 Lecture 03/03/10 Thomas Dowd
MPA 408 Lab 03/1/10 Tracking Guitar cont.
MPA 408 Lecture 03/01/10 EQ'n' By Octaves cont.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 03/03/10 Thomas Dowd
Side note:
I observed a wealth of information from documentary we watched in class today. There was a lot of talk about Thomas Dowd as an accomplished engineer however, there was just as much focus put on him as a person.
* Contextualize the time and culture that Dowd was working in. Include the problems and conflicts he faced early in his career.
Thomas Dowd began his career (one that would expand more then 40 years) in the early part of the 1950’s. He was born into quite the musical family having a mother whom was a renowned opera singer and father who was stage manager. Before obtaining recognition on a large scale he face a number of minor setbacks. He started his foray into music as a pianist at only 6 years old. When trying out for band he was told they didn’t need a piano player so he switched instruments just to join. Later he would go on to get inducted to the Columbia State band while still in high school. Dowd was so proficient at technology that he was employed at 16 to help develop the A bomb. …Fast forward a bunch of Years and he would he first real flood of opportunity after engineering on the hit Baked A Cake.
* Talk about the people he worked with and the significance of those people.
His list of collaborators and associates was very extensive. So much so that I couldn’t write all the names down fast enough. With that I said I did catch a handful of key players such as Erick Clapton, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Charlie Parker & John Coltrain. The accolades accumulated by these individuals are already well documented but what I found more interesting was what they had to say about the Dowd. Ray Charles assert at one point “to be a good engineer you need to be able to hear what its that you want to hear.” and he felt that of all the people he’d worked with Thomas had that ability. Then their was Erick Clapton who said “ …I’d rather work with him at helms over anybody else including myself.”
* Discuss his views on the things that are of the utmost importance in the industry of making records.
In the closing section of the video Dowd summed up what he felt the bigger picture of music really was. He said that when all the illusion of stardom had dissipated and the money was gone he was left with only friends. Friends that began as collaborators over the love of music and ended up being life long confidants. The real reward was building connections.
Side note: Key Lines
In the studio the engineer is the therapist, psychologist, father figure ect...
Your role is making the artist feel comfortable.
Everyone in the room is there for the star!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 03/1/10 Tracking Guitar cont.

As scheduled we continued on our path of tracking guitar. We used the same setup as the previous session (with a Royer and E22). After we completed all needed electric guitar we moved on to acoustic. In lacing the acoustic accompaniment we used the same mics, placing the E22 on one side of Shawn and the Royer on the other. Then patching them through the

MPA 408 Lecture 03/01/10 EQ'n' By Octaves cont.
Unfortunately, I missed the first ten minutes of class today due to a situation I encountered with my vehicle. However, upon arrival a fellow classmate clued me in to what was going on. It turns out that I had only missed a handful of info on the effects of altering the frequency range at 1.5 k. there was a notable difference the presentation this time around instead of applying the principles to isolated instrumentation they were applied to 2 tracked audio waves. These were the results:
+1.5k ~ adds fullness
+ 3k ~ increasing volume here illuminates pluck of electric bass and adds attack on low end piano, snare and drums. Other aspects affected with an increase in this range would include increase on clarity, hardness of vocals.
-3k ~ a reduction in this range would result in an increase in breathy soft sound and would highlight out of tune vocals, guitars, ect..
note: 3k is also the cut off point to simulate telephone effect.
+ 5k ~ around here it increases the vocal presents and brings up the snare.
-5k ~ a deduction would help to get rid of the fake guitar sound created by synths.
Note: Increases of 2 db or less are generally unnoticeable. It is until about 3dbs that the difference become audible (as demonstrated in a class example).
+7k ~ adding db’s here raises finger on guitar, attack on drums and sharpness on synth guitar and piano.
Note: filter w/ low pass gives an AM Radio effect .
-7k ~ reduces on S sound on vocals (from here to about 10k)…
+10k ~ playing in this area would allow you to alter brightness of vocals and guitar. Here you would be able to make vocals feel more aggressive and cymbals sound harder.
Grouping and Mixing Out The Board
After covering the spectrum and displaying how to manipulate these ranges in Protools we then did it out the console.
1) Send audio A1 & A2 out to line input 39 & 40
2) Group channels and patch to Protools A3 & A4 In
3) Compress line In 1 and group (13 & 14)
4) Adjust all faders to unity gain
5) Pan all odd pots hard L and all even pots hard R
6) Set Protools channel to A3 & A4 Input
7) Solo and arm track
8) Record…
Then A B to hear differences!!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 02/26/10 Tracking Guitar

Aside from the setup, which included a Royer (isolated) about four feet away and an E22 off axis. Today proved to be an extremely easy day in the studio. We set out to complete at least 2 songs and walked away with a foundation for four. I felt personally that the pace we worked at was quite expedient and Shaun Day proved to be well rehearsed. On the engineering side we took turns at the helm for each of our prospective compositions in my opinion this helped to elicit the exact sound that was desired in each persons mind. It also helped with productivity the fact that only one of todays arrangements needed consecutive strumming, for all of the other songs we just punched in at the necessary points. One thing I've started to notice on a major scale was the fact that most of the songs are starting to take on identities of their own. Although they're all based on tracks that have been done already the connection to the original is audible but the whole feel is on another plane. At this point we are slightly ahead schedule and I believe we should stay on pace as long as nothing catastrophic happens.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
MPA 408 Lecture 02/24/10 EQ'n' By Octaves
Monday, February 22, 2010
MPA 408 Lab 02/22/10 Tracking Bass cont.
MPA 408 Lecture 02/22/10 RTAS Medium Delay 2
- Wet Dry - 50/5o
- Delay 0 - 20 ms
- Depth - Over 25%
- Rate Sync to Group
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